ORA Recycling
The ORA is requesting assistance with the collection of the recyclables at Okotoks Recreation Center and the Pason Centennial Arena.
The funds collected from this program are used to fund ORA special activities and initiatives, such as our Christmas and Year end parties, our Referee Development Program, and meeting prizes and giveaways to name a few. The ORA Recycling team will rotate collection duties on a weekly schedule. Where possible, multiple volunteers will work together, and/or in separate teams across multiple arenas, to minimize the number of participation dates required, and to minimize the time it takes to finish the weekly collection. This program runs from September to April.
Recycling Team Member Duties:
1. Gather the recyclables from the ORA bins at the Arena Complexes, based on a weekly schedule, usually the Sunday and after the JrA Oilers games. Each collection will take about 1-2 hours to complete.
2. Drop off the recyclables to the Okotoks Bottle Depot. (I will assist those that don’t have access to a truck to transport the collection).
3. Maintain the cleanliness of the ORA recycling bins.
4. Coordinate with the Recycling Lead (Ian) and other members of the recycling team based on your availability to ensure full coverage
Participation in programs such as this is a great way to give back to the association and demonstrates a level of dedication expected from all Officials. All efforts off the ice will be considered when choosing candidates for high profile assignments.
If this is something you are willing to help out with, please reply to Ian Shardlow, via email at inspshardlow@gmail.com.